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6 Reasons Why Great Leaders Are Also Exceptional Teachers

Teachers' Day Dates Around the World


How Great Leaders are also Exceptional Teachers? Either in Leadership or management, the role of a good leader extends far beyond just overseeing tasks and projects. A great leader is not only someone who achieves outstanding results but also someone who nurtures their team’s growth, inspires creativity, and imparts valuable lessons along the way.

On the special occasion of Teachers’ Day in China (September 10th) and India (September 5th), as well as the upcoming Teachers’ Day celebrations throughout the year, let’s discuss how a good leader or manager can be a great teacher too.

When you think of your manager who comes to your mind, the one who supported you and helped you grow or the one who just treated you as a work horse?

In the same way – When you remember your teacher, who comes to mind?

The one who always scared you to death and hated to go to school or the one you proactively rushed to attend their classes whom you always thought as your role model.

While writing this article, many faces rushed through my memory, from my school days to the present, beginning with my primary teachers and extending to my current managers. I know whom I respect and love the most. 🙂

Who came to your mind while reading this article? – leave your comments below

The best leaders are those most interested in surrounding themselves with assistants and associates smarter than they are

– John C. Maxwell

How Great Leaders Are Exceptional Teachers

1. Leading by Example

A great teacher doesn’t just tell students what to do; they lead by example.

Similarly, an effective leader demonstrates the values, work ethic, and behavior they expect from their team members.

By embodying the principles, they advocate, leaders inspire their teams to follow suit.

Your actions speak so loudly that I cannot hear what you say

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Related article:

Essential Qualities of a Successful Manager: Leading with Excellence

2. Fostering Continuous Learning

Just as teachers encourage their students to learn and grow, good leaders create an environment that promotes continuous learning.

They provide opportunities for skill development, offer constructive feedback, and encourage their team members to expand their knowledge and capabilities.

While individuals are responsible for their own careers, managers play a critical role in cultivating a learning culture. A great manager doesn’t solely focus on personal growth but actively contributes to the growth of everyone within their purview. At least this is under their control.

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you

– B.B. King

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3. Empowering Others

An excellent teacher empowers their students to think critically and solve problems independently.

Likewise, a strong leader empowers their team by entrusting them with responsibilities and allowing them to make decisions. This not only boosts confidence but also fosters a sense of ownership and accountability.

The best way to predict the future is to create it

– Peter Drucker

Leaders don’t micromanage this article share more insights on Empowering Leadership: How to Reduce Micromanagement and Empower Your Team

4. Providing Guidance and Support

Teachers offer guidance and support to help students overcome challenges and reach their potential.

In the corporate world, leaders play a similar role by providing mentorship and support to their team members. They are there to lend a helping hand, offer advice, and provide a safety net when needed.

A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.

– Oprah Winfrey

With this leadership style they help Reduce Burnout and Motivate Teams

5. Encouraging Creativity and Innovation

Great teachers inspire creativity and critical thinking in their students.

Similarly, effective leaders encourage their teams to think outside the box, innovate, and explore new ideas.

They create an atmosphere where calculated risks are welcomed, and mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth.

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.

– Steve Jobs

This is How to build Creativity and Innovation in Projects and Teams

6. Setting Clear Expectations

Teachers set clear expectations for their students, outlining the goals and objectives of a course.

Similarly, leaders must define clear goals, roles, and expectations for their team members. Clarity ensures everyone is on the same page and working toward a common purpose.

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Teachers’ Day Dates Around the World

Here is a list of Teachers’ Day celebrations from around the world, organized by month from January to December.

I apologize if any countries have been missed, and please feel free to provide comments or reasons for celebration that can be added to the list.

Teacher’s Day Celebration Dates


In the corporate world, a great leader is not just a manager but also a mentor and teacher. They lead by example, foster continuous learning, empower their team, provide guidance and support, encourage creativity, and set clear expectations.

On this Teachers’ Day in China, let us remember that the best leaders are those who not only achieve success themselves but also help others succeed and grow.

This is why I think Great Leaders Are Also Exceptional Teachers

The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.

– Ronald Reagan

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