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How Can You Give Feedback That Inspires Growth and Collaboration?

How Can You Give Feedback That Inspires Growth and Collaboration?

How Can You Give Feedback That Inspires Growth and Collaboration?

Have you ever received feedback that left you feeling motivated, inspired, and eager to improve? Or have you experienced feedback that made you feel disheartened, demotivated, and unsure of how to move forward? So, how can you give feedback that inspires growth and collaboration?

As a team, we all understand the importance of feedback, but mastering the art of giving great feedback is not as simple as it may seem.

Imagine a workplace where feedback is not just a routine task but a powerful tool for growth and development. A place where team members look forward to feedback sessions, where constructive criticism is embraced, and where everyone feels heard and valued. This is the kind of environment we aim to cultivate within our team.

Feedback is not just a one-way street. It’s a dynamic conversation that involves both the giver and the receiver. To give great feedback, it’s crucial to step into the shoes of the person you’re addressing. Understand their goals, challenges, and aspirations.

Empathize with their journey and acknowledge their efforts.

How to give Feedback That Inspires Growth and Collaboration

Here are some of the secrets of giving great feedback based on my experience

1. Start with Positive Intent

Effective feedback begins with a positive intent. Approach the feedback conversation with the aim of helping the individual improve, rather than criticizing or pointing out flaws.

When your intentions are genuinely constructive, the recipient is more likely to be open to your feedback and receptive to making changes.

You know what, it comes only through experience, because the more conversations or feedback you provide the better you get at articulating the message to them and you understand the importance on how to communicate no matter how difficult the conversation is going to be.

I would love to hear your experiences and stories on giving feedback to your team members, please feel free to leave any of your interesting experience either positive or negative here . I would love to read and if need help I am happy to connect.

2. Be Specific and Objective

Vague or overly general feedback can be confusing and unhelpful. Instead, provide specific and objective feedback.

Describe the behavior or outcome you observed, and explain its impact.

For example, instead of saying, “Your presentation was not engaging,” you could say, “I noticed that you didn’t use many visuals in your presentation, which made it less engaging for the audience.”

Again, if you know the Individual in your team needs support, as a supervisor or manager, be proactive to regularly schedule connects and guide them. More importantly, never give a negative feedback in front of others – it should be One 2 One.

Praise in public, coach in private

3. Use the “Sandwich” Approach

The “sandwich” approach involves sandwiching constructive criticism between positive feedback. This method softens the impact of negative feedback and helps maintain a positive and collaborative atmosphere.

For example:

It was challenging for me in the beginning but through experience I started to see a big difference on how the conversations were improving.

4. Focus on Behavior, Not Personality

It’s important to separate the person from their actions or behavior. When giving feedback, avoid making judgments about someone’s character.

Instead, address specific actions, decisions, or behaviors that need improvement.

This distinction can help individuals understand that they have the power to change their behavior without feeling attacked or defensive.

Sometimes, it is so easy for your team members to feel this way and it’s okay, as a leader you must take this as an improvement opportunity trying to understand them better and solve their problems. If you cannot solve, involve your HR but make sure they engage with respect and follow the organizations protocols. Read your Employment Handbook and ensure your people are clear with the policies.

5. Ask Open-Ended Questions

Encourage self-reflection and collaboration by asking open-ended questions.

Instead of simply telling someone what they need to improve, ask questions like, “What do you think went well in this project, and where do you think there’s room for improvement?” This approach invites the individual to take ownership of their growth and have a collaborative dialogue.

6. Provide Actionable Suggestions

Feedback should be more than just pointing out areas for improvement; it should include actionable suggestions for change.

Offer specific recommendations or strategies that can help the individual address the issues you’ve identified.

This shows your commitment to their growth and provides a clear path forward.

7. Offer Support and Resources (Provide Guidance, Don’t Just Tell them What to do)

I really mean this. To inspire growth, ensure that individuals have the necessary support and resources to implement changes.

This might include access to training, mentorship, or additional tools.

When you show that you are invested in their development, they are more likely to feel motivated and supported in their growth journey.

8. Set Clear Expectations

Feedback should be aligned with clear expectations and goals. Make sure that individuals understand what is expected of them and how their performance aligns with those expectations.

This clarity helps them focus on areas that require improvement and fosters collaboration by ensuring everyone is on the same page.

9. Encourage Self-Assessment

Encourage individuals to assess their own performance and seek feedback from others. Self-assessment promotes self-awareness and a growth mindset.

It empowers individuals to take ownership of their development and actively seek opportunities for improvement.

10. Follow Up and Recognize Progress

Finally, follow up on the feedback you’ve provided and recognize progress. Celebrate achievements, no matter how small they may seem, and acknowledge the effort individuals put into their growth.

This positive reinforcement can be a powerful motivator and further enhance collaboration.

Above are some of the methods you can try on how to give feedback that inspires growth and collaboration.

What makes an Effective Feedback?

Effective feedback is not just about telling someone what they’re doing wrong or right. It’s about guiding them towards improvement. When you notice an area for improvement, offer specific suggestions and actionable steps to help your team member grow.

Remember, it’s not about micromanaging; it’s about supporting their development.

Feedback shouldn’t be a one-sided critique; it should be a collaborative effort to solve problems and achieve goals. Encourage open dialogue and invite team members to share their perspective and ideas.

This collaborative approach fosters a sense of ownership and makes feedback sessions more productive.


Finally, giving great feedback is a skill that can transform our team culture and enhance individual and collective performance. By providing guidance, solving problems together, and incorporating best practices, we can create an environment where feedback is valued and embraced. This is how Feedback should be shared that Inspires Growth and Collaboration.

Let’s commit to making feedback a cornerstone of our team’s success, ensuring that it inspires growth and fosters collaboration.

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