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No-one can prove unless given an Opportunity

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Give an Opportunity if you can – Don’t be picky, just give an opportunity to the capable people around you

Well once again, don’t be picky, just give an opportunity to the capable people around you

Have you ever worked with Interviewers, hiring managers or if you have led a team or attended an interview you will know what I am talking about?

On the whole – employers, managers or the decision makers are quite picky!

Everyone wants the best resources around them; very few will take the risks and give a chance to the people or patience enough to give opportunities to aspiring people.

About 40% of the population is underemployed; many are accounted as employed work only a few hours a week and at low wages.

While I feel nobody is perfect in this world, if that’s what you are looking for, including ourselves!

I always feel, as a leader, your job is to make your team successful with the people you have or by giving opportunities to the people who are able to excel.

Michael Jordan famously said “I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

I have interviewed a lot people in my career and always looked at a few things in an individual

  1. Do they have the skills to meet the job requirements, can they evolve to justify the role I am trying to fill?
  2. Do they understand, listen?
  3. Do they hold the positive Attitude?

Sometimes I don’t even care how much experience the individuals hold nor the certifications they achieved, unless the certifications are mandatory, if they have that idea or passion and able to learn and improve well more than enough – learning is what matters.

Give them the task and guide them, clearly mention what you need, why you need it and by when you need it – they will give you the results.

If they have a learning attitude you can coach them. Also, it’s an opportunity for you to get along with your team and know your people better.

Well, any manager you talk to is in a rush all the time. I do not understand if they don’t have the patience to talk for a couple of minutes with their people they must interact. Beware the Busy Manager


Everybody needs an opportunity to prove and no one can prove unless given an opportunity.

It is important to keep that in mind when you interview or hire someone.

Agreed that we all are in a race to meet the goals spending less time on coaching and guiding people.

I feel it’s equally important to identify the skills of your people or individuals early and provide them with relevant opportunities.

Who knows where they might be in a few years!

This doesn’t mean the opportunity seekers can just wait and relax until it comes to you, unless you are too lucky. Put the efforts day in and out the opportunity shall follow you!

Have you ever helped someone looking for an opportunity badly? please leave your comments below

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