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What are the Operations Managers Top Challenges in BPM Industry ?

While the Project is temporary, but Operations isn’t! So does the challenges in Operations are quite repetitive in nature, this is where the role of an Operations Manager shows how important they are to provide value by identifying the challenges and creating necessary action plans to solve them through his team or other cross-functional teams. Now let’s understand what are the top challenges faced by Operations Managers in the bpm Industry as a whole.

While the list goes on due to the amount of cross functions the Operations Manager must coordinate with to solve the daily problems, the list might be like his/her own team members, HR, Quality, Risk, Transitions, Training & Development, Automations & Other Transformation development teams. (If I have missed any of the X functional teams, please do leave your comments below)

A great Operations manager always understands the value of their own people, stakeholders sentiments and finds ways to identify improvement areas to improve the business.

Well, you can never underestimate the financial acumen needed to strengthen the P&L and build new models to improvise and reduce costs. In this ever non-controllable inflation world.

So, What are the Top Challenges Faced?

Here are some of the top problems or challenges faced by Operations managers in the Business Process Management (BPM) or Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry

  1. Workforce Management: Ensuring an adequate and skilled workforce, managing across different shifts(24/7), and maintaining employee motivation and satisfaction.
  2. Performance Metrics: Setting and achieving key performance indicators (KPIs) for efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction.
  3. Technology and Infrastructure: Dealing with complex IT systems, upgrading technology, and ensuring a robust infrastructure for uninterrupted operations. Dealing with regulatory challenges.
  4. Process Standardization: Developing and implementing standardized processes to ensure consistency and efficiency across different projects and teams. SOP’s standardization included
  5. Cost Management: Balancing cost reduction with quality service delivery, optimizing resource allocation, and managing operational expenses.
  6. Client Expectations: Meeting client expectations, understanding their requirements, and effectively communicating progress and challenges.
  7. Compliance and Security: Adhering to legal and industry regulations, ensuring data security, and protecting sensitive information.
  8. Attrition and Training: Addressing high attrition rates, recruiting and training new employees, and maintaining knowledge transfer within the organization.

On a high level these are some of the top challenges an Operations Manager goes through.

It doesn’t mean we need to struggle with these ongoing problems, definitely a good Operations Manager knows the way to find solutions and alternative methods to build to sustain and get out of these top problems.

What are the Strategies to follow to Succeed?

Here are the some of my suggestions or tips you can apply in your operations to get out this bubble

1. People Challenges


BPM is into people business.

So, leading a workforce during difficult times can be a significant challenge for Operations Managers.

As they typically employ a large and diverse team with varying skill sets, backgrounds, and levels of experience. It can be a daunting task to ensure that all employees are aligned with the company’s goals and culture.

Overcoming People Challenges:

2. Process Challenges

Efficient and streamlined processes are the backbone of any BPM operations. However, outdated or inefficient processes can hurt our productivity and result in subpar service delivery.

Overcoming Process Challenges:

I am sure you must have the heard that the processes are too complex, and it cannot be automated, my suggestion is to bring in a 3rd party to analyze your process – they can advise or see something you don’t

3. Technology Challenges

Staying technologically up-to-date is essential in the BPM industry, but managing various technologies and ensuring their compatibility can be daunting.

Overcoming Technology Challenges:

4. Internal Cost Pressure

Operations Managers often face internal cost pressures, such as budget constraints and the need to do more with less.

Overcoming Internal Cost Pressure:

5. Salaries and Compensation

Attracting and retaining top talent in the BPM industry can be challenging, especially when faced with budget constraints.

Overcoming Salaries and Compensation Challenges:

6. Discounts and Transformation

Clients often seek cost reductions and expect BPM providers to adapt to changing business needs quickly.

Overcoming Client Pressure Challenges:

It’s important to note that the BPO or BPM industry is changing, and new challenges keep arising over time. The specific challenges faced by operations managers can vary depending on the organization, industry sector, and market conditions.


In conclusion, while Operations Managers in the BPM industry face numerous challenges, each challenge presents an opportunity for growth and improvement. By investing in people, optimizing processes, embracing technology, managing costs wisely, providing competitive compensation, and adapting to client demands, Operations Managers can navigate these challenges successfully. Ultimately, a positive mindset and a proactive approach are key to thriving in the dynamic world of BPM.

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