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Why Character is the Cornerstone of Greatness

Why Character is the Cornerstone of Greatness

Why Character is the Cornerstone of Greatness

Why Character is the Cornerstone of Greatness

I was thinking about what to write today, and it hit me! The most important thing I look for when hiring someone for our team, or even just meeting new people, isn’t their fancy job title or education. It’s all about their character, the kind of person they are at the core.

Before you read further, check out this article on Understanding Your Team: A Manager’s Guide to 16 Personalities – this test can give you some eye opening thoughts about yourself. What’s harm in giving it a try 🙂

In our achievement-oriented world, titles, education, and job roles often take center stage. We chase promotions, prestigious degrees, and high-powered positions, believing them to be the hallmarks of success.

However, true greatness lies not in external markers, but in something far more fundamental: character.

Your character is the sum of your ethical values, moral compass, and the principles that guide your decisions and actions. It’s what defines you when the cameras are off, the titles are stripped away, and you’re left with your core self.

But Why Character

A 2022 study published in the Harvard Business Review by Michael C. Bush and George Callanan found that 84% of CEOs surveyed ranked strong character as the most important quality they looked for in new hires, even above technical skills or experience.

A good read: What makes a great leader

Here’s why I think character is such a powerful asset:

Leveraging Your Character for Greatness

So, how do you leverage your character to become a truly great individual?

Here are some ways:

While the above points I have mentioned are really really important, but try to always listen and put yourself in their shoes and not just from your perspective. This will open up a new world and It just takes time but it’s okay people will always accept you.

Character: A Lifelong Journey

Building a strong character is an ongoing process. It requires self-awareness, reflection, and a willingness to learn and grow. There will be times you stumble, but by holding yourself accountable and recommitting to your values, you can cultivate a character that earns you not just respect, but also admiration and trust. Remember, greatness isn’t about the title you hold, it’s about the person you are.

The Power of Respect

By prioritizing character, you build a reputation that transcends titles and roles. People are drawn to those they can trust and respect, and that respect unlocks doors. It fosters strong working relationships, inspires collaboration, and earns you the unwavering loyalty of colleagues.

Character is the invisible thread that weaves together all aspects of your life. By nurturing it, you become the architect of your own greatness, inspiring respect and admiration wherever you go.

This is why i truly believe Character is the Cornerstone of Greatness.


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